Future of work

How to edit the text of a website without going into developer mode

This one is a short tip but one that I’ve used countless times over the last few years. Many times as “technical marketer” you’ll have to edit the copy on a website – either just to check if the text fits and looks well or to send somebody a screenshot of a change that you can’t make yourself.

Normally you would have to go into the “Web Inspector” find the element and change it there.



But there’s a much easier and quicker option. I’ve found this “bookmarklet” that let’s you just change any text on a website as if you were in a text document.



To install it just create a new bookmark (e.g. for this site) and then change the address to the following code:

javascript:document.body.contentEditable = 'true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

This article was first published on technicalmarketing.guide on January 27th 2019 and can be found here

Daniel Setzermann

About the author

Daniel Setzermann works at mymuesli and has almost 10 years of work-experience in marketing.