New event series

CrypTalk: ETH 2.0: How much better is better?

Join us on March 31st 2022 at 1 PM CET for the first edition of our new event series CrypTalk!

CrypTalk is an open to public discussion-based event, but there is only limited space available. That way we ensure that we will have a lively discussion and conversation regarding ETH 2.0.

Our guest Sebastien Arbogast speaks and teaches people about the blockchain, smart contracts and decentralized application development, especially on Ethereum and Solidity. He also hosts the ProofOfCast, a French-speaking podcast that tells, explains and demystifies cryptocurrencies, blockchains and decentralized platforms.

He is a tech entrepreneur with 15+ years of experience in software development and methodology.

After working for 6 years as a consultant for various big companies, he created his first startup named Kodesk in 2011. In 2012, he participated in the creation of the first startup accelerator in Belgium, NEST’up. And now he is working as a freelance developer, public speaker and trainer, especially on Ethereum Blockchain development, inside the ChainSkills initiative he co-founded.

If you want to sign up, use this form:

We’re looking forward to an insightful discussion!

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About the author

CodeControl works with top-notch freelancers, provides them with services to make their professional life easier, and matches them with compelling projects for companies who need their services.