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ActionScriptAFNetworkingAgileAJAXAkkaAlexaAmazon Web ServicesAndroidAngularAngular.jsAnimationAnsibleApacheApache AntApache CassandraApache CordovaApache GroovyApache HBaseApache SolrApache SparkApexApp DevelopmentArduinoAsanaASP.NETASP.NET MVCAureliaAWS RDSBabelBackbone.jsBackendBasecampBashBig DataBlockchainBootstrapCC#C++CakePHPCentOSClojureCloud ComputingCMSCocoa TouchCodelgniterCoffeeScriptCordovaCouchDBCSSD3.jsDatabase DevelopmentData VisualizationDebian LinuxDevOpsDelphiDjangoDockerDrupalE-CommerceEclipseECMAScriptElasticsearchElixirElmEmacs LispEmber.jsErlangExpressExt JSFacebook Open Graph APIFirebaseFlashFlaskFlexFoundationFrontendFull StackGhostGitGitHubGoGoogle APIGrailsGraphicsGradleGruntGulpGulp.jsGWTH2HAMLCreative DirectionHandlebarsHaskellHerokuHibernateHTMLHTML5HTTPIMB DB2IntegrationIntelliJ IDEAInVisionIoniciOSJasmineJavaJava EEJavaScriptJenkinsJiraJoomlaJPAjQueryjsfJSONJSPJUnitKafkaKarmaKnockoutJSKotlinKubernetesLAMPLaravelLaTeXLESSLevelDBLightning.jsLINQLinuxLuaMachine LearningMagentoMayaMariaDBMATLABMavenMemcachedMeteorMicrosoft AccessMicrosoft SQLMochaMongoDBMPIMustache.jsMVCMySQL.NETNeo4jNginxNHibernateNLTKNode.jsNoSQLObjective-COOPOpenCartOpenCVOpenGLOpen SourceOracleParsePascalPerlPhoenixPhoneGapPHPPHPUnitPL/SQLPolymerPostgreSQLPrestaShopProduct DesignPrototype.jsProtractorPWAPythonQtRRabbitMQReactReact.jsReact NativeRealmRedisReduxRESTRESTfulRethinkDBRetrofitRSpecRubyRuby on RailsRustSails.jsSASSSalesforceSalesforce APIScalaScrumSCSSShell ScriptShopifySinatraSinon.jsSketchSmartySOASOAPSocket.IOSoftware ArchitectureSoftware DevelopmentSolrSparkSpringSpring BootSQLSQL-99SQLiteSubversionSwiftSymfonyTDDTensorFlowThree.jsTitaniumT-SQLTrelloTypeScriptTwig.jsTwilio APITYPO3UbuntuUIUIKitUMLUnderscore.jsUnixUnityUX DesignVaadinVagrantVB.NETVisual BasicVisual StudioVue.jsWCFWeb DevelopmentWeb ServicesWebpackWinFormsWireframeWooCommerceWordPressWPFXamarinXcodeXHTMLXMLXPathXSLTYiiYouTube APIZendZURB


Then please send us a message. We’re very happy to answer any question you may have!



Tech talents you won't find elsewhere.

Andrei Serban

Andrei Serban

Senior PHP Developer

Deniss Levskoi

Deniss Levskoi

Senior PHP Developer

Jernej Hartman

Jernej Hartman

Senior PHP Developer

Sebastian Sielmann

Sebastian Sielmann

Senior Product Manager

Chris Piazza

Chris Piazza

Senior Product Manager

Merissa Silk

Merissa Silk

Senior Product Manager

Andrei Serban

Andrei Serban

Senior PHP Developer

Deniss Levskoi

Deniss Levskoi

Senior PHP Developer

Jernej Hartman

Jernej Hartman

Senior PHP Developer

Sebastian Sielmann

Sebastian Sielmann

Senior Product Manager

Chris Piazza

Chris Piazza

Senior Product Manager

Merissa Silk

Merissa Silk

Senior Product Manager

Waheb Messaoud

Waheb Messaoud

Senior AWS Specialist

Fernando Silva

Fernando Silva

Senior AWS Specialist

Yuliyan Tsvetkov

Yuliyan Tsvetkov

Senior AWS Specialist

Mikael Henriksson

Mikael Henriksson

Senior Ruby on Rails Developer

Sean Phillips

Sean Phillips

Senior Ruby on Rails Developer

Fabian Irsara

Fabian Irsara

Front-End Developer

Pavel Sich

Pavel Sich

iOS Engineer

Petar Segina

Petar Segina

Senior Android Developer

Dmytro Kabyshev

Dmytro Kabyshev

Senior iOS Developer

Aleix Guri Segon

Aleix Guri Segon

Senior iOS Developer

Davor Jankolija

Davor Jankolija

Senior iOS Developer

Lukasz Nowak

Lukasz Nowak

Senior Android Developer

Kristijan Jurkovic

Kristijan Jurkovic

Senior Android Developer

Slawomir Mazur

Slawomir Mazur

Senior Java Developer

Kristi Buda

Kristi Buda

Full-Stack Developer

Damien Soulard

Damien Soulard

Senior Front-End Developer

Sam Khawase

Sam Khawase

Senior Java Developer

Ciro Alvino

Ciro Alvino

Senior Java Developer

Joris Borsboom

Joris Borsboom

Senior Java Developer


What would you like to know?

How does it work?

Start by getting in touch with us (click the button below!) and then jump on a quick call with one of the team. Once we have an understanding of your needs, we send over the profile of an ideal candidate and set up a call so you can get to know them better. If you’re both satisfied, start working together immediately - while we handle the contractual side of things.

How quickly can they start?

Once we know what you need, we’ll scan our database to find a freelancer with the right skillset and availability. Within two days, you’ll have the profile of our top recommendation and you can start working together straight away. If you would like to see more options, we can send those your way as well.

How does the pricing & payment work?

Check out the examples above to get a rough idea of pricing. It generally depends on the specific skill-set (and spoken language) that you require. In terms of payment, we invoice at the end of every month based on the number of hours worked by your freelancers.

What happens if something goes wrong?

We continue to monitor the freelancer’s performance and ensure you’re satisfied. If for whatever reason you’re not, we will find you a replacement in a flash!