Jernej Hartman

Full-Stack Developer

Jernej is a senior software engineer with 12 years of working experience. Over the years he's developed a wide range of applications ranging from simple websites, e-commerce solutions, mobile applications to complex cloud applications, desktop applications, mobile games and embedded devices. As an engineer, he thrives on solving complex issues, finding optimal solutions and implementing them. He enjoys working in both environments - being part of a team, or being the solo developer. What he's found to be very satisfying, is working in different fields of software development and developing solutions that connect those fields to create a whole and complete product.

Slovenia, Ljubljana
+ 61 more
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Compétences clés

Compétences techniques

Années d'expérience



10 Années d'expérience



10 Années d'expérience



10 Années d'expérience



4 Années d'expérience


Zend Framework

4 Années d'expérience


Expériences de projet et de travail

Full-stack developer

2019 - actuel


  • - Frontend development of a custom built CMS for facility management of an international retailer - Backend development API to support the CMS - UI/UX - Technologies: Laravel, VueJS, Node.js, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, MySQL, Ansible

CTO / Product Co-Founder

2011 - actuel


  • - Build a Windows application called Sound Lock: - Created an app called Sound Lock that limits the output of a sound card on a Windows system - Recoded app without .NET framework to increase performance - Reached over 400k downloads without any promotion - Created an app for a Bingo slot machine for a casino: - Created a 2D game engine that handled all the rendering and input. It ran on Raspberry Pi 2 - Integrated all logic - Implemented logic for random number generation using an external RNG unit - Built 10+ websites - Shared hosting maintains and setup - Built an Android app that allowed users to scan QR codes, take multiple pictures and upload them to their dropbox account - Built a Hybrid app (iOS and Android) for a smart home management solution - Built a web app for trading items on Steam - Led code reviews and technical interviews on several projects - Mentored several college and high school students - Technologies: iOS, Android, Java, Objective-C, .NET, C#, C++, Windows API, SDL 1/2, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, MySQL, React, Chef, Spring

CTO / Product Co-Founder

2017 - 2019

GO4 Jobs

  • - Designed system architecture - Documentation preparation - CI setup and system setup - Developed a native iOS app that allows viewing and applying to job posts - Created a multi-level admin dashboard for all content management - Managed Android development of the same app - Mentored junior recruits, led code reviews and technical interviews - Data scrapping using external APIs - External service API integration - Technologies: Android, iOS, Java, Objective C, NodeJS, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, MySQL

Full-stack developer

2017 - 2018


  • - Frontend development of an e-commerce website (redesign, multisite) - Backend development of different business requirements - Restructure of whole project code with an improved architecture - Improvement of performance for high traffic - Technologies: Wordpress, WooCommerce, Node.js, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, jQuery, MySQL, Ansible, Bash

Full-stack developer

2016 - 2017

Random Salad Games

  • mobile content portal developer and administrator

Full-stack developer

2017 - 2017


  • web development, mobile development, software development

Lead developer

2015 - 2017


  • - Designed system architecture - Documentation preparation - CI setup and system setup - Developed MVP Android hybrid application for Android - Developed a multi-level admin dashboard for content management - Redeveloped app to a native Android app - Developed a native iOS app - Admin dashboard enhancements - Lead a team of 3 developers, 1 designer and 1 product manager - Led code reviews and technical interviews - Technologies: React, Symfony, Android, iOS, Java, Objective C, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, MySQL

Full-stack developer

2016 - 2017


  • - Created a website from scratch that allows customers to view, post and book rooms from different countries (similar to Airbnb) - Data synchronization with multiple service providers for rentals - API integrations - Development of different modules and plugins for data management - Technologies: Wordpress, WooCommerce, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, MySQL, CSS, jQuery, Bash

Formation et certification

Master's degree

2014 - 2016

Faculty of Computer science and Informations, Ljubljana

Bachelor's degree

2008 - 2011

Faculty of Computer science and Informations



Full Professional


Full Professional


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